The natural process of pregnancy and having a baby is the dream of every woman. A full-term pregnancy is nine months where women give birth to a beautiful and healthy baby. After discharge from the hospital, the day-to-day life begins with their family. Rarely, in some women, pregnancy and the process of delivering a baby might not go smoothly. Often doctors call it a high-risk pregnancy.

When pregnancy is associated with potential complications that harm the mother, the baby, or both, it is considered a high-risk pregnancy. High-risk pregnancies need special care by an experienced gynecologist to ensure the safety of the mother and the baby.

Risk factors of high-risk pregnancy

Sometimes existing medical conditions might lead to high-risk pregnancy. Whereas in other cases, some medical conditions develop at the time of pregnancy results in a high-risk pregnancy.

Some of the factors that increase the risk of high-risk pregnancy include:

  • Advanced maternal age: Women under 17years and above 35 years of age are at greater risk of pregnancy complications. 
  • Lifestyle: women with habits of smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug addiction can put their pregnancy at risk.
  • Medical health problems: High blood pressure, obesity or excess weight, diabetes, depression, epilepsy, lung problems, thyroid disease, heart or blood disorders, kidney problems, poorly controlled asthma, and STDs can increase pregnancy risks.
  • Pregnancy complications: During pregnancy, the complications that develop might put your pregnancy at risk. Some of them are abnormal placenta position, abnormal fetal growth, rhesus (Rh) sensitization, etc.
  • Multiple pregnancies: the risk is even higher for women carrying twins or more babies.
  • Pregnancy history: A history of miscarriages, multiple premature births, and pregnancy-related disorders like preeclampsia, placenta previa increases the complication during your next pregnancy. 

Some other problems like gestational diabetes, abnormal structure of the uterus, cervix or placenta and PCOS, etc., can also increase chances of high-risk pregnancy. In addition, some sources say that 14% and 23% of women are depressed during pregnancy. Depression is associated with many complications during pregnancy and delivery, like low birth weight and preterm birth.

What are the symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy?

A gynecologist will always provide tips and instructions to manage any medical conditions that you might experience at the time of pregnancy. Our gynecologists at Srushti will take care of your health to ensure safe labor and delivery. However, consult your gynecologist immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Abnormal bleeding from the vagina or watery vaginal discharge
  • Severe headaches for longer periods 
  • Abdominal cramps or pain in your lower abdomen
  • Reduced fetal activity
  • Pain or burning sensation with urination
  • Vision problems such as blurred vision
  • Severe swelling in the face, hands, or fingers all of a sudden
  • Fever or chills
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Self-harming thoughts a symptom of depression

A high-risk pregnancy has many ups and downs. Stay in regular contact with your doctor, stay positive, and do your best to promote a healthy pregnancy.

Still, your pregnancy risks can be compromised by following a healthy lifestyle, yet the cause might be unavoidable. For a healthier pregnancy, you need to:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Eat a well-balanced nutritious diet that includes more fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Different exercise as recommended by your doctor
  • Get rest as much as you can
  • Avoid caffeine and its products
  • Stop smoking, drinking, and illegal drugs during pregnancy, and it is best if you avoid them a few months or years before you plan for a baby.
  • Follow your regular appointments with the doctor and recommended prenatal care.

Not every pregnancy has complications. However, with available medical technology and experienced doctors, high-risk pregnancies can be managed easily and promote a healthy pregnancy. Consulting a gynecologist is the best choice before you become pregnant for guidance if your family history has the trend of high-risk pregnancy or any other genetic disorders. Our experts at Srushti Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad are best in managing problems related to pregnancy. Please book an appointment to consult our best gynaecologists in Hyderabad and know more detailed information.