Dr. Namrathaa MD(OBG)
Chief Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist
Member of ASRM, ESHRE

Dr. Ashwini (OBG)
Chief Gynecologist
Call Us : +91 9281418756
Gynecologists in Secunderabad
Call : 92814 18756
Dr. Namratha, (MD/OBGYN) is the Chief Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist with 24+years of experience working in the Gynecological and Fertility Field. She is a renowned laparoscopic surgeon and has done many surgeries successfully. She is very passionate about her work and reaches the cause of the disease to find a cure. She is a patient-centered doctor who strives to provide a thorough explanation of the medical issues so that she can choose the best treatment option for them. Dr. Ashwini (Gynecologist) is a renowned gynecologist in Hyderabad. It is rightly said a good doctor can make a lot of difference in your treatment journey. Both these doctors are adaptive and ambitious, and have kept their calm and focused in most difficult cases. Their expertise includes but is not limited to labor ward skills, high-risk pregnancy management, Laparoscopic surgeries, pre-cancer diagnosis, fertility treatments, and other health conditions related to women’s bodies. Let’s have a look at the services we offer.
General OPD
Women’s reproductive system is rather complicated, we are here to help you by diagnosing and treating your various health issues. White discharge, vaginal infection, UTI, STD, family planning procedures(oral contraceptive pills, injectable, copper T, multi-load, etc), tuberculosis, or any other infections or disorders you can consult us. Lower back pain is also very common among women. Let’s look into it.
- Lower back pain
Lower back discomfort is a frequent symptom of PMS, a condition that affects the majority of women during their menstrual cycle. Severe lower back discomfort, on the other hand, could be a sign of endometriosis, a more serious ailment. We provide comprehensive treatment for this.
We provide comprehensive and utmost care during pregnancy and childbirth. We have successfully delivered healthy babies in the most complicated cases. Be it vaginal delivery or C-section we have mastered the skills of both. We also provide treatment for high-risk pregnancies. Almost every woman is aware of the excruciating pain that a woman goes through during natural birth, which is considered the most terrible type of pain. Some women experience greater pain during delivery than others. With the advancement in science now you can opt fora way to bring your baby into the world without suffering, you can have a painless vaginal delivery.
- Painless delivery
The painless delivery is the same as a regular natural delivery, however, the pain during labor is minimal. So, a painless birth is essentially a normal delivery without the pain! An epidural injection is injected into the lower back so the drugs are released around the spinal cord.Uterus contracts and stretches with considerable energy during labor to push the baby out. Contractions, in particular, are the primary cause of labor pain. As the labor progresses, the uterus contracts and the cervix expands to move the baby out. The discomfort induced by uterine contractions travels from the uterus to the brain via the network of nerves in the backbone or spine during labor. Due to epidural, these signals could not reach the brain and there is no minimum pain in normal delivery. These injections are safe. And painless deliveries are safer too.
Best Gynecologists in Secunderabad
Gynecological surgery
Any surgical procedure involving the uterus, ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva, as well as the organs and structures of the female pelvic area comes under gynecological surgery. There are a variety of reasons why a woman may require gynecological surgery. Some of them are listed below.
An abdominal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus through a small incision in the lower abdomen. During the surgery, one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes may be removed depending upon the medical condition of the patient.
- Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure for the removal of the uterus through the vaginal canal.
- Ectopic pregnancy
When a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. The most common site of an ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube. Sometimes the fallopian tube may also burst due to an ectopic pregnancy. It is a life-threatening condition that required emergency surgery.
- Medical termination of pregnancy(MTP)
Medical Termination of Pregnancy, or MTP, is a method of ending a pregnancy by the use of medications. It is possible to terminate a pregnancy with drugs in the early stages (7-9 weeks); otherwise, surgery is required. We carry out this procedure in accordance with government guidelines
- Torsion cyst emergency
A fluid-filled sac inside or on the surface of the ovary is known as an ovarian cyst. It usually develops during or shortly after ovulation. Sometimes these cysts can become large enough to burst or rupture. The larger the cyst, the more likely it is to cause ovarian torsion. The blood flow to the ovary can be stopped by ovarian torsion, causing permanent damage to the ovary. In most severe cases surgeries are required.
- All daycare surgeries
Day-care surgeries are procedures that allow patients to recover quickly from surgery and be ready to return home usually the same day.
Getting pregnant is not easy for some couples. If you are not able to get pregnant despite trying for a year you should consult a doctor. After a proper diagnosis, the cause for your infertility can be known, and accordingly, we will provide you with the treatment. Our treatment includes simple ovulation stimulation cycles to more advanced assisted reproductive techniques. Some of our services are
- Female infertility Treatment
- Male infertility treatment
- PCOD/PCOS treatment
- Recurrent miscarriage treatment
- Surrogacy
- Egg freezing
- Sperm bank
- Egg Donation
Gynecological Laparoscopy:
This is a very simple and daycare procedure doctors can better look at the organs in your belly. Only one or two very small incisions are made instead of cutting a whole abdomen. This method can be used to diagnose various medical disorders as well as take tissue samples that are examined. It can also be used as a treatment method. Your doctor can also perform less invasive laparoscopic surgeries for various medical disorders
A laparoscopy is performed when you’re lying down with your head lower than your feet in a slightly inclined position. During surgery, you’ll be given general anesthesia to relax your muscles and avoid discomfort. After that, a tiny incision near the umbilicus is made. Usually, it is half centimeters long, this incision is used to introduce the laparoscope. Your abdomen is enlarged to make it easier to see your organs by introducing Co2 gas. It is not harmful at all. Surgical equipment for obtaining tissue samples or removing scar tissue may be included with the laparoscope. A second incision may be made at the pubic hairline by your provider. This incision creates a second passage for instruments used for minor surgical procedures.
You’ll normally spend approximately an hour in a recovery room after surgery. You will be discharged from the hospital the same day. The recovery period is minimal.
Laparoscopic surgery is done to treat the following medical conditions
- Endometriosis
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Fibroids
- Polyps
- Ovarian cysts
- Hysterectomy(removal of the uterus)
- Pelvic adhesions
- Tubal Ligation
- Diagnosis of infertility causes
- Other pelvic disorder
Tubal Ligation / Family Planning Procedures
Birth control or family planning procedure or technology are the methods used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It could be done through laparoscopy or general Tubectomy. Commonly known as tubal sterilization, is a long-term contraception procedure for women. It is a surgical procedure that prevents the egg produced by the ovary from reaching the uterus by blocking the fallopian tubes. And thereby preventing pregnancy.
Perimenopause and menopausal Care
Menopause is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Menopause transition, also known as perimenopause, begins around 40 ( several years before menopause). It’s the point at which the ovaries start to produce less estrogen. It usually begins in women’s 40s, but it can begin as early as their 30s. Smoking, genetics problems, removal of ovaries can be reasons for the same. In both these conditions, women can face various health issues due to hormonal imbalance. Mood swings, hot flushes are some of the common symptoms. We provide the treatment plan for these menopausal phases.
The hormone estrogen plays a crucial role in keeping your joints healthy and lubricated. Menopause causes low levels of estrogen, which can make bones weak and brittle and more vulnerable to cracks. It can also produce symptoms including aching joints and stiffness specially in the knees, shoulder and hips. Menopausal joint pain is a type of joint pain that occurs after menopause. We take care of all these issues due to menopause and provide effective treatment.
Adolescents Gynecology
Adolescent gynecology, as the name suggests, deals with gynecologic issues that affect young women or teenage girls as they approach puberty. They have a lot of hormonal rise leading to
This includes
- Pain in Breasts
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- No/Irregular menstrual Cycle
- Adolescent endometriosis
- Facial hairs/acne(hormonal imbalance)
Apart from the above-mentioned, many psychosexual issues would arise. Due tothe rise in hormones or hormonal imbalance lot of changes happen in their body, their appearance would start changing, menstruationcycle will start. And also they will start developing an interest in the opposite sex.At this moment many questions arise in their mind. Parents could not answer all. Having the opportunity to speak with a medical professional about all of such issues guarantees that young women have access to accurate and dependable information. Doctors can explain in detail what’s happening in their bodies and answer all their psychosexual questions which sometimes they could not discuss with their parents. Furthermore, these office visits are fully anonymous, allowing them to express questions in a safe and supportive way. We explain everything to parents and teenagers about what is happening in their bodies and the reasons for the same. This will help to understand the reasons for changes going on in their bodies and make their journey smooth.
Gynecological Pre-cancer screening
All types of cancer that can arise in or on a woman’s reproductive organs and referred to as gynecological cancer. These Include
- Cervical cancer
- Uterus cancer
- Breast cancer
- Cancer in ovaries
- Cancer of the Vulva
- Vaginal cancer
A pap test in combination with other tests can be done to diagnose the pre-cancerous cells in the cervix. Anendometrial biopsy can be done to take the sample in case of uterine cancer. Mammography can be done in cases of breast cancer.
Ultrasonography is a diagnostic medical process that involves the transmission of high-frequency sound waves into the body’s deeper organs to produce their images. This treatment allows your radiologist to see or see your interior organs, veins, and tissues without having to make an incision. It aids in the analysis of the fetus’s growth and any malformations that may exist. It can be done in infertile patients for follicular monitoring or in pregnant ladies to identify the growth of the fetus or in women who have any abnormality in the pelvic
- Ultrasonography in gynecology
Gynecologic ultrasonography, sometimes known as gynecologic sonography, is the use of medical ultrasound to examine the female pelvic organs, including the bladder and recto-uterine pouch. It also helps in identifying medically significant abnormalities in the pelvis. It can be used to identify the cause of any abnormal bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, cyst etc. During infertility treatment, highly used for the follicular study.
- Ultrasonography for Fetal Monitoring
During pregnancy, an obstetric ultrasound is commonly conducted every three to four weeks to check the fetus and the pregnant mother’suterus.Fetal monitoring is done during pregnancy to identify the following
- Confirm pregnancy location
- Number of babies and their gestational age
- Babies growth and if they have any birth defect
- Study the placenta and the level of amniotic fluid
- Investigate fetal position or any other complication.
There are two types of ultrasounds
- Transvaginal ultrasound is a type of ultrasound in which a device called a transducer is put in your vagina to send out sound waves and collect the reflections during this type of prenatal ultrasound.
- Transabdominal ultrasonography is a type in which a transducer over your abdomen is moved to examine.
Other important ultrasounds include
- Color Doppler ultrasound
Sound waves are used in Doppler ultrasound to detect blood flow in arteries. It is used to examine blood circulation in the fetus, uterus, and placenta during pregnancy.
- Cardiotocography (CTG)
During pregnancy and labor, cardiotocography (CTG) is a technique for monitoring the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions.
If you have heavy menstrual cycles and severe cramping, or if your doctor needs to understand more about your reproductive health, a hysteroscopy may be advised. They can get a good look at your cervix and uterus during the procedure, which can help them figure out what’s wrong.
We provide all women’s health care services under one roof. If you suffer from any discomfort contact us. A team of proven track recors is waiting to help you.
Call : 92814 18756